Vaganova Education System

The aim of the system is to train professional educated teachers and ;with in accordance with the requirements of the system; as well as offering a healthy educational process, to organize professional seminars , work shops, degree exams, competitions, festivals and the opportunities to study abroad for the ballet students , and without detracting from the creativity characteristics of ballet art ,to provide the development of the training centers with the appropriate scales to the world standards. Because the ballet centers achieve with their own facilities such a purpose , the intensive efforts , serious time and financial resources will require.

At the same time, the system, even if it is not the main purpose , is to make possible to carry from the non-professional training of talented students and the teachers in the field of ballet to a serious professional training format . We believe that our education system will be useful the people who devote themselves to the professional ballet as well as the students of amateur and semi-professional ballet school.